Texas has two seasons, summer and January. So one January morning I came out of the church after teaching early morning seminary and found my car windows frozen. I remembered taking the time to defrost the windows when I came to the church, but I wanted to get home in a hurry so I decided not to wait for the car to warm up.
Ice scraper? Negative.
Mittens? Negative.
Time? Negative.
I guess I'll move to plan D. With the car heater on high I whipped out the trusty credit card. Now my hands are freezing, and I figure the Texan sun will defrost my windows soon enough. I need a quick solution, so I etched out a credit card sized hole in the frost and jumped in.
Sometimes in life things seem as clear as a clean windshield. Like on my mission, I knew God's plan, and I knew my role. When I was first married I knew what was important and how to treat it. Then life somehow makes things cloudy. Nephi described a "mist of darkness" (1 Nephi 8:23) which is sent by "Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men" (Moses 4:4).
With my mini view I can see a tiny square of the road ahead, and a sliver at the bottom where the defroster has cleared some space. Don't worry, I know where I'm going. I've driven from the church to my house hundreds of times. All I need is to see whether there's a car ahead of me. Confidently I backed out and zoomed forward. This icy problem has made me a few minutes later, so even before I get out the parking lot I've gotten up to 20 mph.
When I came off my mission I meant to read my scriptures
every day - I just got busy. And after marriage I meant to say prayers in the morning, sometimes I just had a lot of work to do. Before I know it my spiritual
windshield is frosted over with worldly things. I think that's why
Jesus said, "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow" (Matthew 6:33-34).
To clear my spiritual slate I should take the time to pour myself into
scriptures, prayer, and meditation. But I'm so busy! Instead I etch
out a tiny verse of scripture, a half hearted prayer, and away I go.
As I zoom through the parking lot squinting at the exit 50 yards ahead from the sliver of space at the bottom of my windshield I see five feet ahead of my car something I forgot about. The church parking lot has islands with a curb and grass in the middle.
The next second felt like a terrifyingly long time.
A spiritual crisis is so much worse. There have been times when a trial comes, and I realize I don't have the spirit when I need it. A monster speed bump in life and I've let my view of heaven get clouded over. Why? Because I was in too big of a hurry to read my scriptures and pray with real intent.
I slammed the brakes and the car left five foot skid marks down the parking lot. The tires bounced against the curb, but no real damage was done to the vehicle. I sat there for a few minutes catching my breath. Then I got out and scraped every bit of frost off every window on that car. By the time I got back in the car I was late, but I was safe for the drive home.
After my mission I realized I wasn't reading my scriptures the way I used to on my mission. It's like the windshield to the Holy Ghost was clouded over. If I was called at two in the morning to give a blessing, would I be spiritually ready? One day after I was married I realized my work was taking priority over prayer. I made goals to rededicate myself and the windows of heaven shined clear. Sometimes I still get busy and forget to give the Lord my time, but then I see skid marks across the church parking lot and I remember the lesson that it's better to be safe than to be fast.