It takes courage to admit a mistake, and even more so to publicly announce it. My home stake, however, has an interesting story that took place in 1950. It was a mistake that has made me think about my own justifications, and I am glad this story is often circulated in my home town.
In 1950 the Cedar City Stake was preparing for their Stake Conference where Elder Joseph Fielding Smith would be attending. I think it would be best if I just quote verbatim the letter that was sent:
Elder Joseph Fielding Smith, Acting Pres.
Council of the Twelve
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear President Smith:
We are writing you regarding the dates scheduled for our next Stake Quarterly Conference. The dates set for this conference are the 28th and 29th of October. Due to the fact that October 28 this year is the opening date for deer season, we are wondering if you would care to give consideration to altering the date due to the fact that so many of our men would undoubtedly be out hunting on the opening day, which we anticipate would greatly curtail the attendance at the Saturday night priesthood meeting, as well as, our general session on Sunday the 29th.
We will appreciate your views regarding this matter.
Sincerely your brethren,
Cedar Stake Presidency.
One reason I love this story so much is because I can totally understand the thinking of the Stake Presidency. How often do I find myself saying that in reality my goals to keep the Sabbath aren't going to work, so let's make plans for reality. I'm going to end up watching something on TV, or I'm going to end up sleeping anyway, I might as well not try to pretend I'm focused on the Lord. But this is not valid justification as the response shows, which I will include verbatim:
Cedar Stake of Zion
Cedar City, Utah.
Dear Brother:
I have your letter of September 13th, in which you ask if your stake conference cannot be changed to some other date than that which is assigned for your October conference. The reason for this change being the fear of a poor attendance because of the opening of the deer season.
The brethren feel that it would be highly inconsistent for us to grant the change of the dates of a conference on grounds of that kind, and by doing so lend their tacit approval to the deliberate violation of the Sabbath day on the part of those who have not the faith to observe that day as the teachings of the Church require it. This commandment, that we keep holy the Sabbath is one of the great fundamental commandments given by the Lord and included in the Decalogue.
It is our united judgement that it is better to hold the conference on the days appointed -- there are sixteen other stakes in which conferences will be held on that day -- and we will be in harmony with the teachings the Lord has given us, with the members who will be faithful to this commandment
I am sure that the Spirit of the Lord will be present and these members, though fewer in number will be edified
Very sincerely your brother,
Joseph Fielding Smith.
The Lord will never allow us to say, "Everyone else was doing it". In fact Elisha clearly stated "they that be with us are more than they that be with them." (2 Kings 6:16). The Lord does not lower the standards for any reason, "For I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance" (D&C 1:31). The harder it is for us to keep a commandment, the greater the blessings we will receive. When I start to think that I have found a good reason to sin I remember my stake's letter, and reaffirm my goal to "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48).
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