
Action Movie Blessing

Sometimes I like to turn on the TV while I study.  Sometimes I forget that I'm supposed to be studying and end up watching the TV.   One night when studying for my Masters Degree from BYU I was at home in Cedar Hills and I got watching a movie on TV.  It was a little old, but as far as action movies go it was fantastic.

I've decided you can tell how good an action  movie is by how many times the bad guys are allowed to shoot before they have to reload.  This movie was around 20 or 30.  Some of the background good guys got shot, and the hero of the story was chasing down the bad guys.  There were explosions, there was fighting, and all sorts of amazing special effects.  The good guy finally kills one of the lower level bad guys and it seems like he has the upper hand when shockingly he is betrayed and now all seems lost.  The hero is beaten nearly to death, but a deadly explosion changes the game!  He's got a weapon and ammo, and bullets are flying everywhere as extras in the movie are hurt right and left.  The good guy has cornered the bad guy, but there's a trap our hero doesn't

"Brother Crawford, can you come over and give me a priesthood blessing?  I really need the help."

That quick the movie changed from awesome to sickening.  As the the climactic finale nears I'm fumbling with the remote to turn the movie off as quick as possible.

"Uh, so what's up?"
"I have a very important presentation to give at work tomorrow, and I am sick, but I know the Lord can help me through this meeting.  I tried calling my home teachers, but I can't get any other priesthood holders.  Can you help me?"

So there I stand trying to take stock of my spiritual level.  Do I feel like I could represent the Savior?  Can I sense the influence of the Holy Ghost?  As Alma put it, "if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?" (Alma 5:26)  The stupid movie is still playing in the back of my mind.  Without meaning to I find myself wondering what's happening in the plot...  I am not ready to try to call on the powers of heaven.

"I tell you what," I said, "Give me 15 minutes.  Either I'll come over or I'll find someone who can."

I knelt down at my bed.  It took a few minutes before I was really ready to pray.  I explained to Heavenly Father the situation, and confessed that I did not have the spirit.  I told God I was willing to do His will, whatever it was.  If I needed to call around and find someone else I would do it, and if I needed to give this blessing I would do that.  I prayed forgiveness for not being ready when I was needed.  I promised I would learn from the experience.

The thought came to me: "If you can't turn off a movie in an instant and give a blessing, then you should not have been watching that show in the first place."

I want to follow that rule in everything I do.   Using the analogy that needing the spirit is like waiting for the bridegroom, "be faithful, praying always, having your lamps trimmed and burning, and oil with you, that you may be ready at the coming of the Bridegroom" (D&C 33:17).  If I can't leave a dance and bless the sacrament, there must be something inappropriate that I need to fix.  If I am with my friends, and suddenly the opportunity comes to bear testimony, but I don't feel like I can, then something needs to change.  I promised the Lord I would watch more carefully to guard my spiritual level.

I felt like I needed to serve and give the blessing.  My home teaching companion was home and we went together.  A blessing was given, and the Lord responded.  I thanked Heavenly Father for the lesson on preparedness, and vowed I would remember it forever.

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