My family often went to Lake Powell during the summer, and one of our favorite places to go was Rainbow Bridge. Rainbow Bridge is a colorful rock arch that is just a little hike from the Rainbow Bridge dock at Lake Powell. The dock is built like a with a zig zag portion in the middle so that more boats can pull up. My sister Julie was about 13, which means I must have been about 10.
As we were pulling up the dock the stormy clouds finally started to rain. My parents were worried about this because we had been wet and swimming most of the day. They made a rule that we had to wear our rain ponchos and go to Rainbow Bridge. Then they discovered the ponchos were missing, so we were ordered to poke holes in the big black garbage bags and wear those.
That was a problem for my teenage sister. There was no way she was going to wear a (say this part with a condescending sneer) garbage bag! That was not cool. Ponchos weren't cool at all. She was going to go without a rain poncho or garbage bag.
At this point my parents had to stick by their rule. My sister was not allowed to stay in the boat, and she was not allowed without a rain poncho. She had to wear the garbage bag. Julie was furious, what is someone saw her? What would they think of the girl who was wearing a garbage bag? She couldn't stand the idea of being so uncool. She was like the people in the vision of Lehi who partook of the fruit of eternal life, but then saw the people in the high and spacious building mocking them, "And after they had tasted of the fruit they were ashamed, because of those that were scoffing at them" (1 Nephi 8:28).
Julie was ashamed of her parents, embarrassed by a garbage bag, and determined to avoid being uncool. In anger and defiance she threw the garbage bag over her head and started to walk blindly towards Rainbow Bridge. She didn't poke her head through the top because she didn't want anyone to see how uncool she was. Had she poked her head through the hole she might have seen that the dock had a zigzag in the middle.
March - march - march - plop! Julie sank to the bottom of Lake Powell. Remember that water will squeeze a bag which means she can't swim. The shock requires a few precious seconds just to realize what has happened. My sister was drowning. As she fought to reach the surface a hand reached down from above, and she grabbed on.
My father lifted her straight up out of the water and onto the dock. There she sat a sobbing shaking mess. One bystander dove into the water to find her glasses, and managed to locate them. Everyone asked if she was ok, and everyone was staring at her until we finally packed up the boat and headed back to camp.
I noticed that my sisters attempt to be cool she actually ended up being more uncool than ever. How many youth started smoking "to be cool". Or ditching school "to be cool". How many dated before they were 16 even though the prophet has asked us not to because they wanted "to be cool". In the end they learn the truth that only through Jesus Christ can anything be cool. The rest will someday lead to disappointment - every time. "Wherefore, do not spend money for that which is of no worth, nor your labor for that which cannot satisfy." (2 Nephi 9:51). The only things that will not eventually decay, be destroyed, or cease to be important are the things Jesus has asked us to cherish: love, knowledge, righteousness, family, and the priesthood are some examples. Those are the things that will be eternally cool. "And now, my son, see that ye take care of these sacred things, yea, see that ye look to God and be cool." (my version of Alma 37:47)
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