Of all the physical trials I think losing my mind worries me the most. How can I be useful to society if my brain doesn't function? Before we were married my wife worked for a retirement home. Many of the old people there were missing a few cards upstairs, and Rosie was no exception. Rosie would wander the halls of the old folks home asking where her cats had gone. Often she would comment that they were here a second ago, now where did that cat get to?
I think everyone has shortcomings. Moses "slow of speech and of a slow tongue" (Exodus 4:10). Mormon was "not mighty in writing" (Ether 12:24). And yet the Lord has promised he will give all of us an opportunity to serve in our own way. It is a commandment, and "the Lord God giveth no commandment unto the children of men save he shall prepare a way that they may accomplish the thing which he has commanded them." (1 Nephi 3:7). The Lord gave Rosie the power to help one last time.
As Teasha passed the hall, Rosie stopped her, held her face and said, "Dearie, you must get married in the temple. Don't ever let anyone tell you it's not important. My husband and I decided to get married in court first, and go to the temple later. It took us several years to do it. When we finally recieved the blessings of the Lord's house we felt connected in purpose and love. I almost don't count the years before we went to the temple as years we were really married. I wish I had been married in the temple first. Promise me you will make the temple your goal and let nothing stop you from going there."
Teasha promised, and Rosie said, "My cat was here a second ago, have you seen where he went?" The light had gone dim again, and a week later Rosie died. The spirit testified through the old lady to a young woman, and Teasha felt its power. When we met she was certain of her goal, and knew what we needed to do to go to the temple. Rosie's testimony burned through my wife, and I was attracted to her desire to follow the Lord's pattern. When I meet Rosie this is one story I want her to hear.
When my wife and I were married in the St. George Temple I could understand why it meant so much to Rosie. The purpose of a temple marriage is to consecrate your family to the Lord. Not "until death do us part", but "for time and for all eternity" (D&C 132:18). We know our potential, and we know it is only through Jesus Christ we can achieve our goal. There is no talk about divorce, there is no question as to whether we will follow the commandments. We do have trials, and sometimes we even disagree, but we work through our tough times because we know that in 10,000 years we will still be married and working together to fulfill our promises made in the temple. Rosie was right, don't let anything stop you from getting to the temple.
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