
Where to Meet Guys

My father served as a bishop over a university ward for three years, and some of his stories have affected me.  One young woman (he never says names) came into his office, and they began to discuss her plans and hopes for the future.  She had not been attending church regularly, and she explained it was because her various boyfriends usually disapproved of her church attendance.  She had been through several relationships because her boyfriends often turned out to have standards that are not in line with church teachings.

She told my father that she yearned for a good returned missionary who would keep the standards of the Lord.  She wanted to get married in the temple, and she wanted to have a family that attended church and kept the commandments.  Unfortunately those kinds of boys weren't interested in her.  She didn't get asked out by the good church guys.  Instead she was being courted by a different crowd, the kind that didn't want to be tied to a church.  If only she could meet a good guy that would show interest in her she wouldn't find herself in these troubling relationships.

Then my dad felt inspired to ask a simple question, "Where do you go to meet guys?"
To various bars.  She would hang out, but not drink, of course!  She knew the Lord had asked her to not drink alcohol.  She only went to bars because there was always something fun going on, and the parties were full of excitement.  The guys were more relaxed and easier to talk with.

You can imagine what my father had to say.  The truth is, good returned missionaries don't hang out in bars.  They are easier to find at firesides, or ward choir.  Maybe service projects, and study groups.  She wasn't too interested in those kinds of activities.  The Savior once said, "Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes" (John 21:6).  I have learned if I fish in the right area I have a better chance of catching what I'm after. 

The right area for a young woman to meet young men is places where the Lord has asked those young men to be.  "Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come" (D&C 87:8).  There is power in being in the right place even when it isn't as much fun as somewhere else.  I met my wife at a ward choir service project singing to the Old Folk's home.  She is beautiful, musically talented, and she was trying to organize a service project just for fun.  It was a very attractive combination.  When I plan to be in places the Lord wants me to be I am often surprised by the blessings I receive.

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